November 6, 2016

Home Visits – some excerpts from the recent messages of the Universal House of Justice

• "Conceived as a means for exposing believers to the fundamentals of the Faith, "home visits" are giving rise to an array of deepening efforts, both individual and collective, in which the friends are delving into the Writings and exploring their implications for their lives."
- Universal House of Justice, 27 December 2005

• "...home visits to the friends who would benefit from deepening and discussions that connect them with the community…"
- Universal House of Justice, 29 December 2015

• "As they call on one another in their homes and pay visits to families, friends and acquaintances, they enter into purposeful discussion on themes of spiritual import, deepen their knowledge of the Faith, share Bahá’u’lláh’s message, and welcome increasing numbers to join them in a mighty spiritual enterprise."
- Universal House of Justice, Ridván, 2008

• "If a home visit... is defined in the courses as an opportunity to enter into a deep conversation on spiritual matters, then it should not be reduced to a mere social call in which the Faith may not even be mentioned."
- Written on behalf of the Universal  House of Justice, 18 August 2005

• "What should be understood in this respect is that such visits are not isolated acts. A visit to a home should be seen as one element of a coherent pattern of action that seeks to enable specific populations to contribute to the construction of the society envisioned by Bahá'u'lláh.  At the heart of the matter, then, is how a campaign of ... visiting homes relates to the other activities being undertaken in a neighbourhood..."
- Written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, 28 December 2008

• "...issues with immediate relevance to the life of the community:... how the spiritual and social fabric of the community is being strengthened as the friends visit one another in their homes."
- Universal House of Justice, -28 December 2010

• "... acts of service, such as hosting devotional gatherings, undertaking home visits, and teaching the Faith. These are not merely activities to be multiplied but fundamental aspects of Bahá’í community life intended for all.”
- Written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, 5 January 2015

• "You it is who, through visits to homes and invitations to yours, are forging ties of spiritual kinship that foster a sense of community."

- Universal House of Justice, 1 January 2011