October 30, 2017

Contact information for the ATC and Study Circle Development Team

Area Teaching Committee
  •  Beverly Azizi - (727) 641-2623, Mel61930jobb@gmail.com
  • Gary Hogenson - (804) 332-9941, ghogenson@gmail.com
  • Maria Carlberg - (727) 637-3454, mariacarlberg9@gmail.com
  • Lois Naderi - (727) 560-3251, loisn9@gmail.com
  • Alex Carlberg (Secretary) - (727) 365-7485, alexcarlberg@gmail.com

Study Circle Development Team
  • Sue Rishworth (Convener) - (708) 612-4493, susankrishworth@gmail.com
  • Malek Yazdani - (727) 733-5717, malekyazdani@hotmail.com
  • Thomas Alexander - (727)-709-5146, alexander_thomas_o@hotmail.com
  • Maggie Mayers (Statistics) - (727) -858-9792, maggie.mayers@rocketmail.com
  • --> Statistics – Please send all Ruhi statistical information to Maggie.

October 29, 2017

Pinellas County Cluster Cycle 7 begins with a Reflection gathering and 2 goals

Cycle 7 (Oct. 28, 2017 – Jan. 20-21, 2018) began with the Reflection gathering at the Clearwater Center on Sat. Oct. 28, with fourteen friends participating. We had lively reflection on activities during the previous cycle which included the Bicentenary, the “Gifts to the Blessed Beauty” campaign, the formation of the Study Circle Development Team, a service project by the Jr. youth and Service Learning School to collect pet food donations for the Humane Society, as well as the creation of new children’s classes and Jr. Youth groups.

Two exciting goals were set to launch the next cycle of growth:

Goal #1: 19+ Home Visits during the Expansion phase (Sat. Nov. 4 – Sun. Nov. 19). Please contact an ATC member (or email pinellasatc@gmail.com) to reflect on the outcomes of your home visits.  This reflection is essential to help us develop further community-building endeavors!  There was much consultation on this numerical goal, with some thinking 19 was too few while others thought it was better to set an achievable goal that hopefully will be surpassed!  To support this initiative, we studied a short but comprehensive compilation of extracts about home visits.  This compilation will be made available through email, the cluster website and other study opportunities.

Goal #2:  Collect Ruhi book statistics from 150 people - This represent approximately 50% of Baha’i youth and adults in the cluster. 

October 28, 2017

Home Visits – a compilation from messages of the Universal House of Justice

1. "... to organize systematic home visits to the friends who would benefit from deepening and discussions that connect them with the community" (UHJ, 29 Dec. 2015)

2. "Even an act of service as simple as visiting the home of a new believer ... reinforces ties of fellowship that bind the members of the community together. Conceived as a means for exposing believers to the fundamentals of the Faith, "home visits" are giving rise to an array of deepening efforts, both individual and collective, in which the friends are delving into the Writings and exploring their implications for their lives."
(UHJ, 27 December 2005)

3. "... acts of service, such as hosting devotional gatherings, undertaking home visits, and teaching the Faith. These are not merely activities to be multiplied but fundamental aspects of Bahá’í community life intended for all.  ... Visiting one another’s homes weaves bonds of love and union." (Dept. of the Secretariat, Jan. 5, 2015)

4. “…the spiritual and social fabric of the community is being strengthened as the friends visit one another in their homes." (UHJ, 28 Dec. 2010)

May 15, 2017

An amazing example of youth empowerment in Australia – by Kenneth Bowers

The main report includes points that were discussed in a meeting at the Baha’i World Center in November of 2016. Participants were 3 members of the Universal House of Justice, 2 members of the International Teaching Center, 3 members of the Continental Board of Counsellors for Americas, and 4 members of US National Spiritual Assembly.

May 1, 2017

Conducting meaningful conversations and one’s own ongoing spiritual growth and development

“With greater and greater spiritual perception, they are able to sense receptivity and recognize thirst for the vivifying waters of Bahá’u’lláh’s message.” (The Universal House of Justice, 27 December 2005, to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors)

“As a person cultivates the habit of study and deep reflection upon the Creative Word, this process of transformation reveals itself in an ability to express one’s understanding of profound concepts and to explore spiritual reality in conversations of significance.” (The Universal House of Justice, 29 Dec, 2015, to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors)

April 27, 2017

Meaningful Conversations: A compilation of some extracts from recent messages of the Universal House of Justice

view and download compilation

1. ... the purpose of such campaigns in local communities which have been dormant for years would not be to find every Baha'i , whose name appears on the membership list and verity his or her status. The list of names should be considered, rather, as a starting point, leading to opportunities to meet individuals who are willing to engage in meaningful conversation, exploring spiritual realities and learning more and more about the Faith. (Letter dated 3 June 2001 written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Union of Myanmar, quoted in ‘Building Momentum’)

2. Nowhere has the rise in individual initiative been more clearly demonstrated than in the field of teaching. Whether in the form of firesides or study circles, individual efforts to teach the Faith are indisputably on the increase. Equipped with skills and methods, effective and accessible to all, and encouraged by the response their actions elicit, the believers are entering into closer association with people of many walks of life, engaging them in earnest conversation on themes of spiritual import. With greater and greater spiritual perception, they are able to sense receptivity and recognize thirst for the vivifying waters of Bahá’u’lláh’s message. From among all those they encounter-parents of neighbourhood children, peers at school, colleagues at work, casual acquaintances-they seek out souls with whom they can share a portion of that which He has so graciously bestowed on humanity. Increased experience enables them to adapt their presentation to the seeker's needs, employing direct teaching methods that draw on the Writings to offer the message in a manner both forthcoming and inviting. (The Universal House of Justice, 27 December 2005 to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors)

April 25, 2017

“connecting hearts to Bahá’u’lláh”

Viewed aright, this year presents the single greatest worldwide opportunity there has ever been for connecting hearts to Bahá’u’lláh. In the months ahead, let all be mindful of this precious chance and alert to the possibilities that exist in every space for acquainting others with His life and sublime mission. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (Ridvan 2017) 

February 15, 2017

Need for “systematization of teaching efforts”

Ample attention must also be given to further systematization of teaching efforts, whether undertaken by the individual or directed by the institutions. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated 26 November 1999)