October 29, 2017

Pinellas County Cluster Cycle 7 begins with a Reflection gathering and 2 goals

Cycle 7 (Oct. 28, 2017 – Jan. 20-21, 2018) began with the Reflection gathering at the Clearwater Center on Sat. Oct. 28, with fourteen friends participating. We had lively reflection on activities during the previous cycle which included the Bicentenary, the “Gifts to the Blessed Beauty” campaign, the formation of the Study Circle Development Team, a service project by the Jr. youth and Service Learning School to collect pet food donations for the Humane Society, as well as the creation of new children’s classes and Jr. Youth groups.

Two exciting goals were set to launch the next cycle of growth:

Goal #1: 19+ Home Visits during the Expansion phase (Sat. Nov. 4 – Sun. Nov. 19). Please contact an ATC member (or email pinellasatc@gmail.com) to reflect on the outcomes of your home visits.  This reflection is essential to help us develop further community-building endeavors!  There was much consultation on this numerical goal, with some thinking 19 was too few while others thought it was better to set an achievable goal that hopefully will be surpassed!  To support this initiative, we studied a short but comprehensive compilation of extracts about home visits.  This compilation will be made available through email, the cluster website and other study opportunities.

Goal #2:  Collect Ruhi book statistics from 150 people - This represent approximately 50% of Baha’i youth and adults in the cluster. 

The information we need to collect by the next Reflection gathering is:
  • Which Ruhi books have the person completed?
  • Which books have the person tutored?

Please help the cluster gather this required data by collecting this information from as many people as you can.  Set a personal goal as part of your service during this cycle!

“In managing the complexities involved in its own work—which includes gathering and analyzing statistical data ...the [Area Teaching] Committee draws on the help of individuals beyond its own members.”  
(The Universal House of Justice, 29 Dec. 2015)

Please send your Ruhi statistics to:  maggie.mayers@rocketmail.com.

Thank you!