July 16, 2018

Theme for Reflection Gathering July 21, 2018: - To hear and review our cluster “community's efforts, in their entirety”

Inspired by this excerpt from the 2013 Ridvan message of the Universal House of Justice that “the Cause proceeds at different speeds in different places and for good reason” –  we are hoping to go over the following points at this reflection gathering. We need your experience, insight, and creative ideas! We also welcome input from the younger members of our cluster community: children, junior youth, and youth!
  • To “take joy and encouragement from every instance of progress”
  • To “recognize the benefit that accrues from the contribution of each individual to the progress of the whole”
  • To welcome the “service rendered by each one, in keeping with the possibilities created by a person's circumstances”
  • To welcome “earnest and uplifting deliberation” in “community's efforts, in their entirety”
  • To “learn what has been accomplished overall” and compare it to one’s “own labours in that light”
  • To “enhance… [our] knowledge about the process of growth by absorbing the counsels of the institutions”
  • To draw “on the experience of… [our] fellow believers”
  • And, to share views on how to make our cluster’s “environment imbued with love”