October 29, 2018

Reflection Gathering Marks Midway Point of Five Year Plan

The Pinellas Cluster reflection gathering was held on October 20 at the Clearwater center.  22 friends met to share their experiences during the previous three months and to prepare for Cycle 11 (Oct. 20 – Jan. 25). 

www.MyStar95.com prepared an uplifting music program that was played from 2:30 – 3:00 while the friends enjoyed fellowship and refreshments.  Two announcements were made on the Baha’i-inspired internet radio station about the purpose of a reflection gathering.  At three o’clock, a Baha’I prayer set to music was played and this was used to begin the devotions at the start of the meeting.

Here are a few highlights from the consultation:
  • There was much interest in the youth and young adults getting together in St. Pete Beach.  The story of how this began and what they are doing was shared.
  • The success of ongoing home visits to make connections and build community.
  • How to help promote and participate in efforts throughout the cluster?  “Supporting” each other creates energy.”
  • How to better engage in efforts to eliminate racism, including use of recent NSA messages on the subject?
  • A few adjustments were made for the next reflection gathering.  These included the need to send out the study materials in advance so we are prepared to discuss them.
  • A calendar showing the dates of the next 4 cycles, and the phases of each three-month period of activity, was handed out.  This is posted at the cluster’s website: www.PinellasATCResources.blogspot.com.
One subject in particular generated a big response.  The friends want the next reflection gatherings to be community based, as was done last May.  The ATC is happy to announce that the friends were heard and, therefore, there will be smaller community-based reflection gathering during the weekend of January 26-27, 2019.  Details to follow!

Focus of Cycle 11: Devotional meetings in the company of our households and neighbors

In addition to the many community-building efforts currently underway in Pinellas, the Area Teaching Committee is encouraging "the widespread holding of devotional meetings" so that more and more of the friends “are engaged in worship in the company of their households and their neighbours.”  To assist us in learning together about “home devotionals” two passages were read and discussed.  These are posted here on the cluster’s website.